All Wrapped Up Bouquet by Teleflora
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Wrap them in love with this special holiday delivery! Lush red roses, fresh winter greens and our gold mirrored glass cube make for a festive gift they'll long remember. Wrap them in love with this special holiday delivery! Lush red roses, fresh winter greens and our gold mirrored glass cube make for a festive gift they'll long remember. Wrap them in love with this special holiday delivery! Lush red roses, fresh winter greens and our gold mirrored glass cube make for a festive gift they'll long remember. This bouquet of deep red roses and spray roses, red carnations, maroon miniature carnations, green holly, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf is dressed up with red velveteen ribbon and gold ornament balls. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive gold Mirrored Cube vase. This bouquet of deep red roses and spray roses, red carnations, maroon miniature carnations, green holly, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf is dressed up with red velveteen ribbon and gold ornament balls. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive gold Mirrored Cube vase. This bouquet of deep red roses and spray roses, red carnations, maroon miniature carnations, green holly, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf is dressed up with red velveteen ribbon and gold ornament balls. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive gold Mirrored Cube vase. Orientation: All-Around

All Wrapped Up Bouquet by Teleflora



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