Timeless Cheer Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Make the season bright with the timeless elegance of red roses and our mercury glass julep. A truly special delivery, this classic bouquet spreads holiday cheer near and far! Make the season bright with the timeless elegance of red roses and our mercury glass julep. A truly special delivery, this classic bouquet spreads holiday cheer near and far! Make the season bright with the timeless elegance of red roses and our mercury glass julep. A truly special delivery, this classic bouquet spreads holiday cheer near and far! Beautiful red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red carnations and white cushion chrysanthemums are arranged with variegated holly, flat cedar, silver lemon leaf and frosted pinecones. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass large julep vase. Beautiful red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red carnations and white cushion chrysanthemums are arranged with variegated holly, flat cedar, silver lemon leaf and frosted pinecones. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass large julep vase. Beautiful red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red carnations and white cushion chrysanthemums are arranged with variegated holly, flat cedar, silver lemon leaf and frosted pinecones. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass large julep vase. Orientation: All-Around

Timeless Cheer Bouquet



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